We have been asked to focus on the colours on a teen magazine and how they stand out and link into the whole magazine layout. i have decided to do Rave Magazine
Image from
Indian Music Magazine
Rave MagazineWe discussed this magazine front cover in class.
This issue of rave is a christmas addition.
Using a popular popstar means that not only "Rave" fan but Fergie from the Blackeyed Peas fan's will be drawn to the magazine because she is issued in it.
The magazine is set out how a normal magazine would be with the main meduim image in the middle also known as "homestyle".
The Masterhead of the magazine stands out because the colour of the Rave is the same colour of what Fergie is wearing so it links the magazine and the picture in together.
The christmas addition of Rave is put across with the typical christmas colours - Red green and white.
The Rave Magazine editors have used green bold writing to make the main headings, this makes them stand out and might bring the audiance in because it catches the eye of some people also with the big "THE HOLIDAY ISSUE" in capitals means that it would stand out and with it being bright red to show that it was the festive session.
Rolling Stone Magazine
Alot of people would pick this magazine up because it has Zac Efron on the front of it , and alot of teenage girl see him as a heartthrob. Using models like Zac Efron means that not only the Fans of the Rolling stone magazine but the Hundres of thousands of Zac Efrons fans might pick this magazine up. Using a white background in the magazine shows alot more of Zack and it focus's on him using bright colours to shows the title. Using only grey ,red ,orange and yellow means that it stands out alot more than the typical grey and black.
Taken from
this website.
Top of the pops.
Top of the pops stopped producing there magazines in 2006
but i have found and old "spice girl" verson of top of the pops.

Top of the pops only used to use up to date bands and at the time spice girls would of been top of the bands. The way the picture is used to link in to the title is very clever because they are going for the whole "world power" so they have made the spice girls hold up a globe. The spice girls slogan was "girl power " and the way that they have linked the world power to the girl power. Using a blackbackground means that any writing they put on the front of the magazine is going to stand out more than it would on a white background
Using three colours yellow blue and white which over powers the black. Top of the pops have used Buzz words such as PLUS in capitals so that it catches the eye of the audiance.
Magazine cover taken from this