Monday, 22 February 2010

Tuesday, 9 February 2010

Double page spread.

This double paged spread is taken form Top of the Pops Magazine.
Using big writing as the titlebrings people and and because it is in big bold and bright colours people who are attracted to the Jonas brother or camp rock might just buy this magazine because they like them.
Jonas brothers are an eye catching band and in the eyes of girls there very popular. Using single pictures of the characters can catch the audiances eye because using single . Question and answer is being used fro the interview which means that questions will be answered alot more indepth.

I have choosen to take an article out of the NME magazine which is foucusing around interviewing Lilly Allen.
The title writing used for the double page spread is the same as the front cover that was issued with this article.
The picture that was taken for this double page spread takes up the whole of the right hand side of the page so this leaves the left hand side of the page free for writing and the main title. They have over laped the picture of Lilly Allen into the title. Using a colour contrast of red white and black this means that the red writing links into the colours on Lilly allens shirt.
The article is started of with a dropped capitles and then is carried on with a plain black writing to link in with the colour scheme. The writing is small so that more infomation can be fitted in. If i would of just looked at the magazine double page spread and no front cover came with it i would know that it came from NME because the page number and the little NME red sign in the corner of the page next to the page number. The magazine have taken a sentence of what Lily Alen said in her interview to use as the title of the double paged spread

Collage Magazine Layout

This is my new designed collage magazine layout.

Monday, 8 February 2010

Magazine Analyised

Top Of the Pops analyised magazine.